Learn about Georgia Senate Bill 68 on Tort Reform and how it will adversely impact plaintiffs seeking fair compensation for their injuries in Georgia civil trials.
Georgia Negligent Security Legal Resources

Georgia Tort Reform Bill (SB 68) Does More Harm Than Good

A Guide to Compensatory vs. Punitive Damages in Georgia
All you need to know about compensatory and punitive damages, the differences, and when they are awarded as compensation to the injured party.

Injured on Premises at Work in Georgia? What You Need to Know
If you have suffered an injury due to negligence while at work, it is critical that all injured workers are able to protect their rights, so that they can recover the full and fair compensation they deserve.

Bajjani v. Gwinnett County School District Negligent Security Case
Example Negligent Security Case in the state of Georgia against Gwinnett County School District involves a young man who was viciously beaten by another student at the school he attended.

Are You a Victim of a Parking Garage Shooting in Georgia?
If you’re the victim or have lost a loved one in a violent parking garage shooting, the experienced attorneys at Apolinsky & Associates can help determine if you have grounds for compensation.

Are You a Victim of a Bar or Nightclub Shooting?
The number of shootings in the U.S. is increasing at an alarming rate. One of the deadliest shootings in recent memory occurred at a Florida nightclub in June of 2016, which killed at least 49 people.

Were You Robbed at a Shopping Mall in Georgia?
Being robbed is a very scary experience, especially when the robbery includes some form of assault (remember, assault does not necessarily mean making physical contact) or the display or use of a weapon.

Have You Been Robbed at Gunpoint in Georgia?
When you are robbed at gunpoint, reporting the incident to the police as soon as possible is critical to pursue criminal charges. In addition to criminal charges, you may also have a civil suit for damages.

Common Causes of Catastrophic Injuries
The cause of a catastrophic injury can have a substantial impact on whether as person can recover damages for those injuries. It’s important to identify all possible defendants when examining your legal options.

Understanding Proximate Cause in Negligence & Personal Injury
In the State of Georgia, in order for plaintiffs to prevail in civil personal injury claims, they must prove the defendant legally caused the plaintiff’s injuries and are liable for damages — proving legal causation can be difficult.

Understanding Foreseeability in Negligence & Premises Liability
In the State of Georgia, businesses and property owners have a duty to safeguard their guests against all types of safety hazard — key to proving these cases is establishing something called reasonable foreseeability.

Examples of Negligent Security that Lead to Serious Injury
Negligent security cases occur when a property owner fails in their legal duty to protect guests or residents from a violent, criminal act that was reasonably foreseeable — contact us to discuss your case.

Suing a Property Management Company for Personal Injury?
When a person is injured due to unsafe conditions unaddressed by a property management company’s negligence, there may be grounds to sue. These cases arise frequently in large cities like Atlanta.

Are You the Victim of a Violent Stabbing Attack in Georgia?
Stabbings are one of the most dangerous and painful assault injuries. Depending on the location and the depth of the cut, it could be fatal. There is also a risk of infection either from the knife or a side effect of one’s recovery.